Digital Combine

4.7 ( 1347 ratings )
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Developer: 3B Combines LLC

Digital Combine - NFL Combine Accurate Timer **FREE LIMITIED TIME**

Our times consistently match the NFL Combines times!!!
-Digital Combine cuts human error in half by using SLOMO that makes the film go half as fast
-NFL Combine does hand held start and laser finish, thus making human error also cut in half
*Many tests have been done to prove this*
Try it yourself by filming people on the internet, just make sure the internet connection isnt lagging

No more paying for stopwatches or lasers and instead your very accurate stopwatch is in your pocket where ever you go!

$2.99 for this app, compared to $10 for a hand held stopwatch or $100 for a laser
Instead of buying some candy, buy this to motivate yourself to train!

Watch yourself improve sprint by sprint!

Digital Combine will save you time and money!

Athletes can lie about their times to recruiters. Now, if your time is something to brag about, youll have the opportunity to save the video with a synced timer to the camera roll and email, message, or post on social media for coaches or non-believers to see it.

Useful for:
-Coaches- Film players to have accurate times/coach up their players with form
-Time recruits events to ensure it is the correct time
-Athletes- Watch results as they train week by week and eventually send to recruiters
-Trainers- Film clients runs and events, then critique form and send athletes the video with the synced timer along with notes on what to improve on
-Fans- Time professional or amateur players forty yard dashes or other events to check and make sure their claims are correct

Forties, shuttles, and 10 yard dashes are highly looked at in sports and these times can make or break an athlete. Start training now and fulfill your dreams of attending school for free or starting on any team!

Timing 40 yard dashes and other events have always been a problem due to inconsistency. Our app uses a new technology that has never been seen before, which not only allows accuracy, but gives the user the opportunity to critique form and improve.

We hope to change the way forties and other events are timed from here on out. No more cheating or claiming false times.

Become Better Everyday!